Computer programming is can be the most satisfying and frustrating intellectual passtime available. It all started for me with a chess programming and other games. Later on I became more interested in programming language interpreters, cryptography and other stuff. At this pages I provide a list of the programs I have written.
CKI prolog
A few years ago I wrote a prolog interpreter as a java applet. This program is successful in the sense that it shows that it can be done, but the performance is a bit slow. It is made in a rather personal coding style, which may make it hard to read. Enjoy and let me know what you think! [download CKI prolog]
Liverpool Forth
Forth is a very simple interpreted language and it lies at the heart of postscript. I have written a forth interpreter to see whether that is really as easy as they say. It is much easier than writing for instance a prolog interpreter, so Forth seems to be a good language for embedding in other systems.
Together with Ernst van Rheenen I wrote this program, which is basically a library of graphics primitives that can for instance be used to generate fancy web site headings. This library is used in textmaker, an applet for creating fancy headings.
java file
I am interested in cryptography / cryptology and actually have a library of Java cryptography code. The link above is an academic example and I do not recommend using it for protecting valuable data. If you have some cryptographic consulting needs, contact me, perhaps I can help.
Sim Privacy
In order to support a paper about strategies to invade and protect privacy, I wrote a simulation that uses a SimCity perspective on agents tha try to protect their privacy. Feel free to play with it.
maintained by Sieuwert van Otterloo. Last modified 12-05-2007 [menu]
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